Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Valued economist or wasted research?!?!?!?!?!?

If you know me, you know I highly value education and I am proud to be a smart woman. I know many smart women. I can give several examples but that would give you more to read and the article with the blog is long enough. So instead I will use 2 examples, my mother and a really good friend of mine, the Kat....these examples will make more sense later. Both of these women are college educated. My mother went to CSU Hayward, which is called CSU East Bay now and KP is a UCLA grad.

Being an economist of sorts....I don't actively pursue economist research positions because I love the world of finance but my background is in economics...I love checking out new research that is going on in the field of economics. I was very interested in reading the article today in the Wall Street Journal about the struggles of "winter babies". First off you have to realize, I didn't know that "winter babies" were struggling with anything. Since I am a winter baby, for this BLOG, I used my mother and KP, who has a daughter born on the same day a year after I was born for comparison to this study. I wanted to find out what The Cookie and I should have struggled with in life.

I spent part of my afternoon at my high paying job reading this article. I was so appalled that I decided to write this BLOG. I mentioned 2 women that have winter babies that are both college educated mothers with college educated children. As I have these 2 cases to compare to this study, I thought, well maybe we just aren't the normal "winter babies". My mother drove me to become a great person. She was the GREATEST example of a strong woman and provided me with anything I needed, my grandparents filled in the gaps with things I wanted. From talking to the Kat, I know her daughter had great grandparents like I did
and she has the Kat as a strong smart mother in her life. We were not and are not suffering from this "winter baby" syndrome. I want to know....why are you even doing this study?? Tell me the greater good this will have on man kind. Why aren't you spending your valuable research time figuring out how to get the US economy back on the fast track to being a thriving society instead of this downward spiral into deep black abyss.

Please economist find something better to study. Don't present graphs that could be sheer coincidence. Stop thinking you're doing important work and actually DO important work.

New Light on the Plight of Winter Babies

Researchers Stumble Upon Alternative Explanation for the Lifelong Challenges Faced by Children Born in Colder Months

Children born in the winter months already have a few strikes against them. Study after study has shown that they test poorly, don't get as far in school, earn less, are less healthy, and don't live as long as children born at other times of year. Researchers have spent years documenting the effect and trying to understand it.

But economists Kasey Buckles and Daniel Hungerman at the University of Notre Dame may have uncovered an overlooked explanation for why season of birth matters.

Their discovery challenges the validity of past research and highlights how seemingly safe assumptions economists make may overlook key causes of curious effects. And they came across it by accident.

In 2007, Mr. Hungerman was doing research on sibling behavior when he noticed that children in the same families tend to be born at the same time of year. Meanwhile, Ms. Buckles was examining the economic factors that lead to multiple births, and coming across what looked like a relationship between mothers' education levels and when children were born.

"I was just playing around with the data and getting an unexpected result," Ms. Buckles recalls of the tendency that less educated mothers were having children in winter.

The two economists, whose offices are across from one another, were comparing notes one day and realized that they might have stumbled across an answer to the season-of-birth puzzle that previous research had overlooked.

A key assumption of much of that research is that the backgrounds of children born in the winter are the same as the backgrounds of children born at other times of the year. It must be something that happens to those winter-born children that accounts for their faring poorly.

In a celebrated 1991 paper, economists Joshua Angrist of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Alan Krueger of Princeton University argued that season-of-birth differences in how far children go in school is due to how school-attendance laws affect children born at different times of the year. Children born in the winter reach their 16th birthdays earlier in the year than other children, which means they can legally drop out of school sooner in the school year -- which some do, leading to lower education levels in the group.

While it was well known that the educated earned more, they also tended to come from privileged backgrounds -- something that also affects later earnings. Up until then, no one knew how to separately judge the impact of education on higher earnings. Data already showed the researchers that winter babies tended to earn less. Once Mr. Krueger and Mr. Angrist knew how much winter births affected education level, they were able to estimate how education affects later earnings.

The statistical techniques Mr. Angrist and Mr. Kreuger developed helped set off a flurry of research that employs "natural experiments." In these, economists use some random or natural influence to approximate the controlled conditions of laboratory experiments -- the type of research that University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt popularized in the book "Freakonomics." Examples include using differences in the introduction of television in different parts of the U.S. to see how TV affects children's cognitive ability and using changes in daylight-saving time to see how setting clocks forward every spring affects energy use.

Other researchers have suggested other reasons for season-of-birth differences. Maybe vitamin D was playing a role, for example, because children born in the winter were getting less sunshine in early life. Or maybe being put in the same school year with children who are mostly younger makes children born in the winter less socially mature. A study published in the medical journal Acta Pædriatica in April found that children born in the winter have higher birth-defect rates and suggested it was due to a higher concentration of pesticides in surface water in the spring and summer, when the children were conceived.

There may be validity to all of that research. But if there was any truth to the pattern that Ms. Buckles and Mr. Hungerman discovered, it would question the weightiness of other factors from past research. If winter babies were more likely to come from less-privileged families, it would be natural to expect them to do more poorly in life.

The two economists examined birth-certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 52 million children born between 1989 and 2001, which represents virtually all of the births in the U.S. during those years. The same pattern kept turning up: The percentage of children born to unwed mothers, teenage mothers and mothers who hadn't completed high school kept peaking in January every year. Over the 13-year period, for example, 13.2% of January births were to teen mothers, compared with 12% in May -- a small but statistically significant difference, they say.

"Honestly, when we first saw these patterns, we were so stunned we wondered if we made some mistake," says Mr. Hungerman. "We weren't even excited, we were like, 'Is that right?' "

He and Ms. Buckles estimate that family background accounts for up to 50% of the differences in education and earnings. That suggests to them that the compulsory-schooling effect Mr. Angrist and Mr. Krueger described could still be there, but that it can't be used to measure how schooling affects later earnings because it still mixes the effects of privilege and education instead of isolating them.

Mr. Angrist, who has reviewed their research, disagrees. "The bottom line is a slight change in the estimate," he says. "It hardly overturns our finding." (Mr. Krueger, now an assistant Treasury secretary, deferred to Mr. Angrist for comment).

The new research has hit the conference circuit. University of Texas economist Daniel Hamermesh, who selected for a conference discussion the working paper that resulted from Ms. Buckles and Mr. Hungerman's research, says that it makes an important point about the assumptions that economists rely on in natural experiments. "I love the paper," he says. "It means you have to think about things more than you want to think."

Janet Currie, a Columbia University economist who also selected the paper for a conference, says that what strikes her is how the pattern Ms. Buckles and Mr. Hungerman found shows up even in simple charts. "You can take a look at those graphs and see the clear pattern and that it's remarkably stable over time," she says. "It speaks for itself -- you don't have to put a lot of interpretation on it."

The question now is what drives women from different socioeconomic backgrounds to tend to have children at different times of the year.

Ms. Buckles and Mr. Hungerman aren't entirely sure yet. Perhaps it has to do with fluctuations in employment; married women tend to conceive when unemployment is higher, research has shown. They also speculate it might be due to cooler temperatures in springtime, which don't adversely affect the fertility of poor parents, who may not have air conditioning, like hot temperatures do. Or they wonder if there might even be a "prom" effect at work. January is, after all, about nine months after many of those soirees.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scary things in life.....

I write this BLOG today as I am trying to be positive about life changing events. There are so many things that can happen that can change the way a life is going to quickly. Someone can die in a car accident, a woman can get pregnant, a new job can be found half way across the country, or someone can find out that they are terminally ill but live for so long it's hard to remember that he was even sick and many many other things. I've spent much of the last week talking with my husband about living your life for you and not the ones you love. In some ways I forget that sometimes living your life for the ones you love keeps you going when you're older. Ultimately I know life is a series of decisions and I hope that the people I love know that I try to make the best decisions for everyone involved in my life and many of those decisions are hard and take a long time to finally come to fruition but most of the time, they are worth the wait. I hope that those I love remember that everyday they are missed and thought of in some way. I also hope they know that I long for the day that we'll all be close enough to have big family gatherings and for our children to be able to see our children often. And I really hope that everyone out in BLOG land remembers to tell your loved ones that you love them EVERYDAY!!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Single girls....BEWARE....

Being married I don't have to worry about shenanigans like the one in the article and sound clip below. Thank goodness if a man asks for my number I can flash him my wedding ring (that is if I'm wearing it and trust me this article makes me want to remember it more often). Not that men ever really ask me for my number....I don't go out to bars or clubs or really any social gathering where single men are trolling for single women and if by chance I end up somewhere where this might happen, I'm sure I have "FUCK OFF" stamped across my forehead when people bother me in situations like that. Check out the little description and then listen to the's hilarious.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sometimes I feel smarter than everyone else.....

Ok...So at one time I felt bad for feeling smarter than most people in the world. Today I read an article that confirmed that feeling smarter than everyone else isn't such a bad thing. Please feel free to read the article below. It is well worth the should make you feel very smart and if it doesn't, we should talk.

New Rule: Smart President ≠ Smart Country

Bill Maher

New Rule: Just because a country elects a smart president doesn't make it a smart country. A few weeks ago I was asked by Wolf Blitzer if I thought Sarah Palin could get elected president, and I said I hope not, but I wouldn't put anything past this stupid country. It was amazing - in the minute or so between my calling America stupid and the end of the Cialis commercial, CNN was flooded with furious emails and the twits hit the fan. And you could tell that these people were really mad because they wrote entirely in CAPITAL LETTERS!!! It's how they get the blood circulating when the Cialis wears off. Worst of all, Bill O'Reilly refuted my contention that this is a stupid country by calling me a pinhead, which A) proves my point, and B) is really funny coming from a doody-face like him.

Now, the hate mail all seemed to have a running theme: that I may live in a stupid country, but they lived in the greatest country on earth, and that perhaps I should move to another country, like Somalia. Well, the joke's on them because I happen to have a summer home in Somalia... and no I can't show you an original copy of my birth certificate because Woody Harrelson spilled bong water on it.

And before I go about demonstrating how, sadly, easy it is to prove the dumbness dragging down our country, let me just say that ignorance has life and death consequences. On the eve of the Iraq War, 69% of Americans thought Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11. Four years later, 34% still did. Or take the health care debate we're presently having: members of Congress have recessed now so they can go home and "listen to their constituents." An urge they should resist because their constituents don't know anything. At a recent town-hall meeting in South Carolina, a man stood up and told his Congressman to "keep your government hands off my Medicare," which is kind of like driving cross country to protest highways.

I'm the bad guy for saying it's a stupid country, yet polls show that a majority of Americans cannot name a single branch of government, or explain what the Bill of Rights is. 24% could not name the country America fought in the Revolutionary War. More than two-thirds of Americans don't know what's in Roe v. Wade. Two-thirds don't know what the Food and Drug Administration does. Some of this stuff you should be able to pick up simply by being alive. You know, like the way the Slumdog kid knew about cricket.

Not here. Nearly half of Americans don't know that states have two senators and more than half can't name their congressman. And among Republican governors, only 30% got their wife's name right on the first try.

Sarah Palin says she would never apologize for America. Even though a Gallup poll says 18% of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth. No, they're not stupid. They're interplanetary mavericks. A third of Republicans believe Obama is not a citizen, and a third of Democrats believe that George Bush had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, which is an absurd sentence because it contains the words "Bush" and "knowledge."

People bitch and moan about taxes and spending, but they have no idea what their government spends money on. The average voter thinks foreign aid consumes 24% of our federal budget. It's actually less than 1%. And don't even ask about cabinet members: seven in ten think Napolitano is a kind of three-flavored ice cream. And last election, a full one-third of voters forgot why they were in the booth, handed out their pants, and asked, "Do you have these in a relaxed-fit?"

And I haven't even brought up America's religious beliefs. But here's one fun fact you can take away: did you know only about half of Americans are aware that Judaism is an older religion than Christianity? That's right, half of America looks at books called the Old Testament and the New Testament and cannot figure out which one came first.

And these are the idiots we want to weigh in on the minutia of health care policy? Please, this country is like a college chick after two Long Island Iced Teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care. We should forget town halls, and replace them with study halls. There's a lot of populist anger directed towards Washington, but you know who concerned citizens should be most angry at? Their fellow citizens. "Inside the beltway" thinking may be wrong, but at least it's thinking, which is more than you can say for what's going on outside the beltway.

And if you want to call me an elitist for this, I say thank you. Yes, I want decisions made by an elite group of people who know what they're talking about. That means Obama budget director Peter Orszag, not Sarah Palin.

Which is the way our founding fathers wanted it. James Madison wrote that "pure democracy" doesn't work because "there is nothing to check... an obnoxious individual." Then, in the margins, he doodled a picture of Joe the Plumber.

Until we admit there are things we don't know, we can't even start asking the questions to find out. Until we admit that America can make a mistake, we can't stop the next one. A smart guy named Chesterton once said: "My country, right or wrong is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying... It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.'" To which most Americans would respond: "Are you calling my mother a drunk?"

Bill Maher is the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," and will be joined on the show tonight by Arianna Huffington. "Real Time" airs fridays on HBO at 10:00PM Eastern Time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The New Justice.....

Today a friend of mine sent me this story:

I like political news and since this political news somewhat relates to my life since I have the same chronic condition as the new justice...i thought i'd share it. Please keep in mind the quotes are from the actual article above.

"Numerous colleagues of Sotomayor have said that her diabetes has not affected her work, though some have noticed her testing her blood sugar or administering insulin shots during work hours. There have been no reports of dramatic health-related incidents — save for the broken ankle she suffered this month at a New York airport."

I read this and wanted to stab someone. I test my blood sugar 4 times when i'm's apart of being diabetic. What is WRONG with people? I'm sure it's not interfering with court. And her broken ankle will take a little longer to heal.

"The organization’s official policy opposes flat-out employment bans, but encourages that employment decisions take into account an individual’s medical history 'particularly in regard to the occurrence of incapacitating hypoglycemic episodes.'"

Adam Morrison is a NBA basketball player........And Diabetic. People praised him for doing that career. He was even on the cover of the American Diabetes Association Magazine. I don't usually become offended but this is somewhat offending me.

"Still, unlike almost any other public official — save the president himself — the health of a Supreme Court nominee is a topic of public debate. It’s no secret that political partisans hope presidents who share their views will pick healthy and relatively young candidates for the lifetime posts — all the better to have an influence on the court’s decisions that long outlasts the leaders who picked them."

She looks young to me and I bet she can out live any of the old farts on the bench managing her diabetes. I think that this pick by Obama probably inspired some kids out there who think that they can't do things because of their diabetes. Obama being president, I'm sure, inspired kids, and it showed true progress in the US. But questions like these also prove that everything weather it's race, gender, or a chronic condition can be a point of controversy for no real reason. Is congress really going to grill her about her chronic condition. Keep in mind...some governmental genius allowed health care providers to call Diabetes a Chronic Condition and not a disease anymore.

This statement is pure BS:

“To do that ... you’re going to have episodes of low blood sugar — hypoglycemia,” Arky said. “Anybody with a hemoglobin of 6.5 percent and less almost universally will have one or two episodes of hypoglycemia a week.” Arky said he counsels his patients to shoot for a level of 7.2 percent because of the risks of going lower.

My A1C is at a 7% which makes you more sensitive to low blood sugars. When my blood sugar gets to 70 I feel low. I wasn't very low last night at your house but feeling like that SUCKS! Which also makes this statement irrelevant:

"Experts say the warning signs of hypoglycemia are often subtle and can include lightheadedness, sleepiness, inability to focus or confusion. If caught early, such events are easily resolved by taking a sugar pill, or a drink of juice or sugary soda. Studies have shown that many diabetics experiencing a hypoglycemic event do not have good judgment about whether their mental abilities are impaired, and if a diabetic misses the signs completely, he or she can lose consciousness."

She is probably super sensitive to low blood sugar feelings. I bet when she's around 80, she feels low.

This is the best statement of the entire news story:

“She’s minimized her chance to develop future complications,” said Dr. William Cefalu of Louisiana State University. Cefalu called her illness “a complete nonissue. ... People live a completely normal life with diabetes. That’s the message.”

I hope this lady kicks butt and takes names!!!!!!! And I really hope that congress isn't a bunch of idiots when they interview her. My husband being the sweet silly person that he is said she should make a new constitutional amendment to make blood sugar test strips free! :D

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My 1/2 Birthday.....

Yesterday I became 6 months closer to being 29....AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of my favorite people in the world always wishes me a happy 1/2 birthday because her daughter and I have the same birthday...I'm just one year older. as I get closer to 30, I worry more about our health and well being. I know the pups keep us happy and will definitely help us live longer...even if Smokey is a tard, Yogi makes up for it. :) I worry about not having a baby in my 20's and how much harder it will be to have a baby in my 30's. In this crappy economy, I worry that I will not be making 6 figures by the time I reach 35 which will impede our ability to provide the kind of life I want to give to a child. As I grow older the value I put in living in California has drastically changed due to the fact that the cost of living is so expensive and while wages are higher, are they high enough to stop a family from living pay check to pay check. When a family of 4 (2 working parents and 2 children) struggle to make it through the month with enough food and money for the month, hoping that they can make it to the next payday....something is truly wrong.

I think we'd make great foster parents

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Boys....The Kids....You know....Yogi and Smokey

This is how rough our life is in Santa Cruz....

We have to sleep on Cubs blankets with papa when mama leaves for work......

We have this lumpy old bed with these 2 people in it all the time....Where's our own bed?!?!?!?!? I guess we just have to use the couch stead....

We're both allowed to be on the bed, even if 2 people and 2 dogs can't fit comfortably. Bah! I guess it's not so bad. At least we're not in the heat of Redding. We wake up to sounds of crashing waves or these weird barking's not a dog. Mama said it's an sea lion. Sea Lion? Shouldn't it be Sea Dog? They bark....come on give me a break!

Wake up....we have to go pee.......

Yogi and Smokey trying to get papa to take them out to pee?!?!?!?!?! Well this is the way they look most of the time when trying to papa to play, or take us pee or feed's a universal look.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Recipe Thurday

So we've had these burgers 2 times all ready because we saw them on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives....Stuffed Cheese Burgers. I made them again last night and Den LOVES if you like burgers, I suggest trying these at home...this is my first attempt at writing my own recipe, so if you have questions about how to make them, call me or email me. ENJOY!



  • Cheese of your choice
  • 4 slices cooked bacon for serving
  • 1 pound ground chuck
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Grill Seasoning
  • 2 large hamburger buns, split
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard, for serving
  • Lettuce, sliced tomato, onion, and avocado, for serving


Make 4 burger patties out of ground beef. Season the patties with grill seasoning, salt, and pepper. Pile cheese in the middle of 2 patties directly in the center, leaving enough room around the edges. Then take the 2 patties without cheese and place on top of the 2 with cheese. With your fingers press the sides of the patty together making sure the filling is covered completely.

Place a large grill pan on 2 burners over medium-high heat or preheat a griddle flat top and get it very hot. Brush the top with oil to keep the burgers from sticking. Grill the burgers for about 10 minutes on each side. After 8 minutes on the first side, cut a slit in the top of the burger in order to keep the cheese from oozing out of the side of the burger. (The USDA recommends cooking ground beef until it is no longer pink and the internal temperature is 160 degrees F.) Remove the burgers to a clean side plate while you toast the buns.

Rub the grill rack with more oil and place the buns cut-side down, toast for 1 minute. Serve the burgers with your favorite condiment and any garnish you like, such as lettuce, sliced tomato, onion, bacon, and/or avocado.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A GREAT Father's Day movie and a new favorite

Yesterday afternoon once we finished breakfast at the Red Apple Cafe, we went home to play with the kids, clean up and possibly nap. I turned on the movie that came in the Netflix, Bedtime Stories. Everyone that knows me, knows I am a huge Disney fan. I am also a big fan of anything Adam Sandler makes through Happy Madison. So what a great combination of Disney and Happy Madison in Bedtime Stories.

We started watching the movie on Friday night but after Dennis worked and I cooked and cleaned, we were both too tired to finish the movie.

Sunday I put the movie in the DVD player upstairs and we finished watching it. It was the sweetest movie about a Dad and his son having his great love a hotel. The main character of the story is the son and his niece and nephew. It was SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids have the greatest imaginations. They come up with the most awesome ideas.

I can't wait to see my husband with little people to tell stories to. It reminds me about Jayce's birthday party invitation. He's dressed in his little Where The Wild Things Are costume with pictures of him frolicking through the forest. He loves stories and books. He just wants you to read them to him over and over again.

If you get a chance, watch Bedtime Stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's definitely worth the rental....I can't wait to purchase it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Wife Tip #2.....

New Wife Tip #2: Use the Food Network site for easy regular foods that you would normally buy pre-made at the grocery store. Now I'll admit to this...I buy Pillsbury Grands biscuits. I never saw the point in making something from scratch that was so easy to take out of a can. Recently I made the last can of biscuits from the fridge and they were great right out of the over. I couldn't have imagined a most delicious piece of bread at the time. Please keep in mind, we're changing our eating habits, so having bread with dinner has become VERY unusual. So I thought these buscuitts were the best thing I could have made. The next day I went to take one with me to work for a snack mid morning when I feel like passing out because I would much rather be in bed than at work (no..this is not a low blood sugar passing out). The buscuitts were hard as rocks. I think if I tired, I could have broken a window with one.

Last night we had breakfast for dinner. We decided on this meal while I was at work, and I got to thinking...I should try something different. Dennis and I both said we wanted eggs, breakfast meat of some kind, and buscuitts. I decided to make Sweet Potato Buscuitts. I had seen them on Diners, Drive In's and Dives and thought...that would be great to make. I printed out the Emril recipe, had my hubby get all of the ingredients I needed and made them in no time at all. These are the most amazing things on earth. The recipe is below. I changed it just a slight bit....I added more nuts because Dennis and I are big fans of walnuts. I also added about 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar, and I also added a little cinnamon (2 tablespoons) and a tiny bit of nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon). This has truly made me a believer...making something home made doesn't always have to take all day and it's going to be that much more amazing. This morning when I took a buscuitt to work, it was still mosit and WONDERFUL!!!!! We will be making these again!!!!!

Sweet Potato Biscuits

Recipe Courtesy of Emeril Lagasse


  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 12 tablespoons cold butter
  • 1 cup mashed roasted sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup ground pecans
  • 1/3 cup half and half


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Grease a 1/2 sheet pan. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar together. Add the butter, and with your hands, work the butter into the flour mixture until the mixture resembles a coarse cornmeal. Stir in the sweet potatoes and pecans. Add the cream, a little at a time until a soft dough is formed. Lightly flour a surface. Place the dough onto the surface and dust the top with flour. Lightly press the dough out to 1/2 inch thickness. Using a 2 inch biscuit cutter, cut the biscuits into rounds. Place the biscuits on a greased baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown.

Our Ultimate Dream Job

Everyone knows that Dennis and I are the 2 of the biggest animal lovers in the entire world. Before I ever had my own dog, I just loved ALL dogs. I still LOVE all dogs. Dennis had the Pei's and he of course had the Tumbies, aka Cujo and loved him more than anything. We also had the Piggy's, Clayton and Ivory. Now that we have adopted 2 pups from the California Shar Pei Rescue....all we want to do is open a doggie sancutary. Our friend James Joliff, not Ivory's new dad but out Pitbull Piggy friend sent me the email below. I didn't read the article either...I'm much more of a picture person. These are the sweetest looking dogs. They're giving each other kisses.

I need to start playing the lotto more. God knows this is what we'd do with our winnings. We'd buy a big peice of land out in the middle of no where...well maybe not no where...but in the middle of some place we liked a lot that wasn't a big city and we'd run a doggie sanctuary with little dog kennels our houses for each one, a play ground area for the dogs to have fun. With some tug of war ropes where either one dog can play against the wall or 2 dogs can play against eachother through a wall, and maybe a tennis ball thrower so the doggies can chase balls all over. Maybe we'll be lucky!

re: Iran's only dog shelter

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM, wrote:
> >This is not political. It is all about the dog
> I have not read the article, but did look at the 110 pictures of dogs. Even
> >with all they have been through, they are still loving!

> >
> James

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The newest edition to the Family

So, we have been very excited over the last 2 weeks or so. We have been bonding with our new family editions. Ivory, aka BevMo was adopted by our good friend James. She has really bonded with him and is a totally different animal. She is getting great training with James and she has really found herself a home for good.

We have had these 2 guys for almost 3 weeks and they're great. They were all ready potty trained, so no messes on the carpet and they are buddies so they play together all of the time. Also they all ready knew their names, so we didn't have to wait for them to learn what it sounds like when we call their names. They usually come to us right away when we call or stop in their tracks when they hear their names called.

It's so sweet that Yogi is Smokey's dad and you can see how he tries to help Smokey all of the time. They have the Cujo dog's split between the 2 of them. Both have their own unique characteristics and both do many things like Cujo. Smokey is a lover. He wants you to love on him all of the time. He licks like there is no tomorrow but his lick is super soft, unlike BevMo who could lick the skin off of your hand.

Yogi on the other hand is the protector. He is always watching over us and making sure that Yogi isn't being too much of a tard with us. He wants love about as much as Cujo did, which is only when he wants it. And Yogi is SO STRONG. If he really wanted to, he could easily pull me down while I'm holding onto his leash and drag me all over town or until I let go. So to avoid that, I usually run with him if I'm the one walking him.

As for the cutest thing they both do....Yogi's is easy. He is obsessed with towels. Anytime we use a towel, he wants to roll around on the floor on it after we're done. We both wish we knew what the purpose of all of the rolling around was but we don't. We try to come up with theory but nothing too good has come from it so far. Smokey...well he's just all around cute. The way he licks is probably the cutest thing he does, or his sideways trot. Cujo walked the same way, so we think that's adorable. His lick is so cute, on his third or fouth lick....he gives you a long lick with a little flutter at the end.

We're taking them to meet my mom this weekend. She will absolutely love them. She might even try to keep Smokey but of course we won't let her. Be sure if you get the chance to welcome Yogi and Smokey Bear to the Family.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Some of the BEST of CL

So I was pretty brain dead this afternoon between 4 and 4:30. I decided to read some of the Best of Craigslist. Thank goodness Nori showed me this great way to kill time. Here are some of the GREAT postings. ENJOY!!!!

Pregnant? - m4w
Date: 2009-04-24, 1:09PM PDT
I was standing in line to make my purchases when you tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to hand you a $1 pregnancy test (can you even trust those?!?) and then made small talk with me while you stood behind me in line. How'd it turn out? Single?
Location: Dollar Tree in SE

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPostingID: 1138433711

Date: 2009-04-23, 1:01AM PDT
ok. so i don't know really how to go about this. basically, i was your one night stand last night and need my most important idem of clothing back--> my bra. so yes, i was totally fine with the fact that when i left this morning we didn't exchange phone numbers (or names...); no big deal. but once i got home and sobered up, i realized, that we maybe should have because i left my bra at your house. first off, i want to get something clear. this is no victoria secret-esq type bra. this is an imported good were talking about. princess tam tam-french lingerie. ok. specifics about you. (what i remember.) they are not going to be too specific because my friends are on this all the time and think i took a cab home last night. you are: 1) outrageously tall and good looking. 2) a commercial real estate broker in the downtown area, but lives in coronado with an asian friend whom i believe, was celebrating his birthday. 3) going to gaslamp saturday night. 4) really into golf, in fact went friday. 5) a fan of red gummy bears. i am: 1) someone who obviously loves her underwear. 2) obsessed with french everything. 3) not really into children. something we have in common. 4) occasionally from time to time caught wearing my clothes inside out. 5) "anna"- (my name.) so, where to go from here. basically, i'm willing to do whatever it takes. i can come pick it up, you can mail it to me, i can just have you leave it outside your building at a certain agreed upon time. what ever. i hope to god you don't feel weird about this, because i don't. i obviously didn't leave it there on purpose. like i said, i'm not looking for you to take me out or call me. for god's sake, i'm resorting to craigslist for a grey bra. it's just a super cute one and i want it back. plus, it doesn't seem like you'll use it. you just didn't come off as that type. please people. if this is you, or sounds like someone you know who fits this "john doe" profile, please contact me.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1135908862

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bonding with the BABY GIRL!!!!!!!

We have had Ivory since we got married in October....6 months. Over that time she's been the oddest little dog in the world. She's very cute and has her own special ways. The first time my husband went away to visit his family...she had only been with us for a month and was pretty much scared of anything and everything. She hid in the closet a couple of times for no apparent reason. Since then my husband spends all day with her letting her run around being her silly Tard face self and he gives her as much love as any one person possibly could. They have a very special bond and you can see it in her happy smiling face that she loves him so much.

Now that it's 6 months later and my husband is gone again, Ivory has had some time just with me. I don't get to spend all day with her because I have to work but we have our routine and we have had some sweet bonding moments. When we wake up in the morning, I let her go outside to pee and when she comes back, I always have a cookie waiting for her. She runs in the house after doing her business and she does her happy excited food dance. It's the cutest thing. While she's sitting down she moves her front legs, lifting one after the other. If you get her really excited she'll start jumping around. I have been giving her a whole bone cookie from the monster value pack I got before Clayton passed away and she loves them. I don't play with her as rough as my husband does and she doesn't play that rough with me but we still have fun. I'll jump onto the bed and she'll try to get me. She'll box you out like she's getting a rebound in the NBA over a 6'11" guy or she'll lick you until you're covered in her spit. She thinks she has ways to get what she wants but they don't usually work. She's a little heater that loves to snuggle and that's great. When I'm so cold that I can't move I roll over to lay next to her and she warms me up in no time.

Our bonding time has been great so far. She has been so sweet to me, and has really helped me not miss my hubby as much. She's just so happy even with him not around. She has me and that's good enough for her. Unlike Cujo who would miss Den like crazy. I was ok but I wasn't daddy. I was chopped liver (well that's a good things to dogs I guess...but I wasn't very good) compared to him. With Ives...I'm way better than that. She has a happy tail every morning. We run around and play at lunch time. Things are good. She's back to being my baby as well as Den's baby.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Makes Life Worth Living....

Ages ago during my troubled youth, I had no idea what life was all about. I spent 7 years with someone who didn't live up to his potential. I had no idea what I was doing with my life. I was going through the motions. I was so worried about living up to something that wasn't what I really wanted. Through the first 2 years of living in Santa Cruz, I went through some shit. Excuse the language but there really is no other word for it. I had some of the worst life experiences that a woman has to deal with. Over the last 2 years I have been truly blessed with the life I have now. I LOVE my husband more than anything. We have some of the greatest friends I could have ever wished for, and we get to hang out with one of the cutest babies in the whole world.

10 years ago, who would have thought that I would want to have kids. I definately didn't think I'd want a screaming small human being but here are some of the images that make all of the screaming worth while.

I absolutely LOVE this kid. He was a wonderful baby and even as he starts to go through the terrible 2's....he's still so SWEET!!! His crying doesn't even sound's just a misunderstood baby not getting his way. And who wouldn't feel bad for him. :(

The last 2 weekends have been filled with just wonderful happy days. I spent one weekend taking Jayce to the beach where he LOVED the water! Over Easter weekend we went to visit my mom, ran a few errands, bought a couple of new couches and went to an A's game.

I am truly happy with the life we have. Life is so full of happy fun moments that make the retarded ones worth living.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Wife Tip #1.....(I'm so excited!!!)

New wife tip #1.....if your live in a town with a Whole Foods and don't feel like making dinner...purchase dinner from your local Whole Foods. Throw it in the oven at your house and your husband be praising your home cooking skills!!!!!

So you may be asking yourself why I'm so excited about new wife tip #1....well with new wife tip #1 came a wonderful secret about the BEST store on the planet....Whole Foods. And guess what...a Whole Foods is opening in my town TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipppeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not been this excited for a long time. I don't think my hour long lunch will be enough to enjoy all of the Whole Foods, so I am sure I will go back at least 2 other times today. It is wonderful that this store is opening!!!!

There are many people in Santa Cruz that are die hard new leaf shoppers and for people that are local to the area....I understand. For thoes of me as an "import" of sorts the Whole Foods Store is something I've known my entire life. I grew up with Whole Foods being a stones throw away from my house. With it's wonderful pre-made foods, great salad bar, amazing yummy soups and all around great shopping environment, I know if you go to Whole Foods, you will not be disappointed. Now don't get me wrong....Whole Foods might be the Walmart of Organic foods (as Thomas, Therea's husband like to call it) but I know the quality of the products is superb. I grew up with the Berkeley Bowl being one of the most local home grown stores you could think of. The location was odd...there was never any parking and you could always smell the produce then you were walking through it. Being 5 or 6, I was just thinking of how much I wish the store looked like Safeway or Whole Foods because there was no nice person behind a bakery counter to give me a cookie. Now in my late 20's (oh god, how depressing....30 is right around the corner) the Berkeley Bowl has a new location but there is still no parking....the place is even more packed than I remember. It looks more like a regular grocery store but with many specialty items. The prepared foods section is amazing and the fresh fish is to die for. I still go to whole foods in Berkeley for my pro-biotic all of the yummy baked goods and their prepared foods. I love their eco-friendly paper products and somehow the milk there is just better. I'm hoping with the opening of Whole Foods a stones throw away from my home in Santa Cruz, I will feel much more at home here.

Now after returning from whole foods....WOW that place is a zoo!!!! When the newness wears will be wonderful!!!!!! Yippeee!!!!!! Back to eating my sammy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doing the Wedding Over....

This is my new Blog. I decided to start this because my work has blocked Facebook and Myspace. I need a way to vent my anger and frustration about things and also just a plce to get out some new great ideas for you 21st Century newly married wives. Being newly married myself...I think we're doing things pretty great. I'll post new recipies we try and pictures of how things come out. I'll let you know about any new cleaning products that kick major ass and of course I'll blog about the daily struggle to keep the house clean while working a 40+ hour a week job. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY thankful to have a job.

So, I have begun thinking of ways to do redo the wedding with minimal effort and a reasonable cost. Considering that we spent $800 for the Vegas Wedding...doing something in Santa Cruz for about the same would be great. Somehow I think that will be impossible. I would LOVE to get Aloha Island Grill to cater the meat for the event. Get Garrick to make Chicken Katsu and I can make rice and hawaiian mac salad for days. It would be even more perfect to be able to have a beach wedding here that kind of looks like the wedding at the end of 27 dresses. I would like to do all of the floral arrangements and have a big boquet. I know that would be pretty easy to do as long as we had a lot of water and a lot of fridge space. We could make our own cake but I'd LOVE to get Den a cake in the shape of Wrigley Field. Have the boys wear Cubs jerseys over their short sleeve dress shirts with neck ties....that would be pretty cute. I can glue rhinestones in the shape of the cubs logo on my veil. That would be pretty hilarious. Anyways...I'm thinking about just renting the Seymore Center...getting my girls (basically Nori, Theresa, and Loan) dresses and inviting everyone that wasn't at the actual event. Here is a short list:
Judy (Den's mom) Nori +4
Dennis (Den's Dad)
Grandma - Den's
Grandpa - Den's
Grandma - Mine
Allie (my mom)
Moishe (my dad)
Jenn and Todd Rolen
Katherine +1
Amy and Russ Stuckey
Dale and Jay Whyte
Taylor +1
Jo +1
Todd (will hopefully be renewing our vows)
Tree and Suzie's mom
Loan's Mom
James and Jenn (Ives' original foster parents)
James Rubel
So we'll see what becomes of this whole shindig thing. My grandma would be happy to come to something where she didn't have to do anything. :) And clean up would have to be quick. I think very easy not really catered buffet would be great. We can do the chocolate fountain right or we can test it out as a nacho cheese fountain!!! :) Hell YES!!!!!