Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doing the Wedding Over....

This is my new Blog. I decided to start this because my work has blocked Facebook and Myspace. I need a way to vent my anger and frustration about things and also just a plce to get out some new great ideas for you 21st Century newly married wives. Being newly married myself...I think we're doing things pretty great. I'll post new recipies we try and pictures of how things come out. I'll let you know about any new cleaning products that kick major ass and of course I'll blog about the daily struggle to keep the house clean while working a 40+ hour a week job. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY thankful to have a job.

So, I have begun thinking of ways to do redo the wedding with minimal effort and a reasonable cost. Considering that we spent $800 for the Vegas Wedding...doing something in Santa Cruz for about the same would be great. Somehow I think that will be impossible. I would LOVE to get Aloha Island Grill to cater the meat for the event. Get Garrick to make Chicken Katsu and I can make rice and hawaiian mac salad for days. It would be even more perfect to be able to have a beach wedding here that kind of looks like the wedding at the end of 27 dresses. I would like to do all of the floral arrangements and have a big boquet. I know that would be pretty easy to do as long as we had a lot of water and a lot of fridge space. We could make our own cake but I'd LOVE to get Den a cake in the shape of Wrigley Field. Have the boys wear Cubs jerseys over their short sleeve dress shirts with neck ties....that would be pretty cute. I can glue rhinestones in the shape of the cubs logo on my veil. That would be pretty hilarious. Anyways...I'm thinking about just renting the Seymore Center...getting my girls (basically Nori, Theresa, and Loan) dresses and inviting everyone that wasn't at the actual event. Here is a short list:
Judy (Den's mom) Nori +4
Dennis (Den's Dad)
Grandma - Den's
Grandpa - Den's
Grandma - Mine
Allie (my mom)
Moishe (my dad)
Jenn and Todd Rolen
Katherine +1
Amy and Russ Stuckey
Dale and Jay Whyte
Taylor +1
Jo +1
Todd (will hopefully be renewing our vows)
Tree and Suzie's mom
Loan's Mom
James and Jenn (Ives' original foster parents)
James Rubel
So we'll see what becomes of this whole shindig thing. My grandma would be happy to come to something where she didn't have to do anything. :) And clean up would have to be quick. I think very easy not really catered buffet would be great. We can do the chocolate fountain right or we can test it out as a nacho cheese fountain!!! :) Hell YES!!!!!


  1. you have a blog.
    oh lordy

    picture me shaking my head

    is this for public consumption?...I guess fucking announced it on facebook.


  2. Wow -- I have been thinking of you and wondering why I hadn't seen you on FaceBook lately. They blocked that at work -- that is so mean. Crap, there goes another "perk" -- like we have tons already -- NOT. Your plans sound so much fun! Let me know if I can help.

    P.S. I rarely check my gmail account -- like many once a month -- my bad. But I check my comcast account all the time.

